Meeting Rooms Availability (Waterbury, Vermont)

Room ColorRoom Description
Small Meeting Room (Up to 6 people). Please contact a Waterbury Library Staff member to reserve this room. (802-244-7036)
Study Room (Up to 4 people). Please contact a Waterbury Library Staff member to reserve this room. (802-244-7036)
SAL Room -
Large conference room. Fits up to 16 seated at conference tables, up to 30 in arranged seats. Room includes access to a computer with internet, and a large mounted computer screen. (Patron's own computer can be hooked up to in-room computer screen).

To learn more about reserving the room, please read our SAL Room Policy . There is a $25 rental fee for non-residential use.


M, T & W – 10-8

Thurs & Fri – 10-5

Saturday 10-2


  • Study rooms and work tables are available by reservation. Ask at Help Desk.
  • One reservation per week per patron. Walk-ins will be accommodated as space allows.
  • Reservations can be made up to 1 month in advance.

Please note that we cannot reserve a room for you until you have spoken with a staff member.